United States
Industry: Oil and Gas
Department: Civil and Structural Engineering
Employment Type: Full-Time Regular
Part-Time Available: No
Eligible for US WorkAuthorization Sponsorship: No
FLSA Exemption: Exempt (Eligible for Straight Time Overtime)
Job Summary:
The Structural Engineer is responsible for the design ofsteel and concrete structures and pipelines related to new and existing onshoreand offshore oil and gas facilities. Included functions encompass assessment, analysis, and detailed designof platforms, foundations, skids, pipelines, risers and related appurtenances. This involves project phases from conceptualengineering through construction, installation, and start-up. Design specifications, regulatory compliance,and project documentation are additional functions of this position. Coordinating with and directing Designers andDrafters of structural and other disciplines is required to accomplish projecttasks.
Job Duties andResponsibilities:
• Conceptual,preliminary and detailed structural analysis and design, related to a varietyof onshore and offshore, oil & gas facility projects;
• Performstructural analysis utilizing the SACS™ suite of computer programs (analysistypes include In-place, loadout, transportation, installation, fatigue, andnon-linear (pushover));
• Effectivelyreference current AISC, ASCE, API, AWS, ISO, and other industry regulatory, andproject specific standards and codes;
• Workon multiple projects of moderate size or portions of major projects;
• Developproject calculations and documentation using tools such as Mathcad, MS Word andMS Excel;
• Developregulatory submittals (e.g.: BSEE, USCG, ABS, etc.);
• Utilizeexisting project guidelines and design tools;
• Interfacewith design team which may comprise: project managers, engineers, drafters andsupport staff;
• Research,learn, develop and implement various design techniques which may be industryspecific;
• Performthe necessary field work to obtain accurate information required to completethe assigned task;
• Additionalduties as assigned.
Qualifications (Knowledge,Skills and Abilities):
Basic or Minimum Requirement
• BS inStructural or Civil Engineering (May or December 2025 graduates eligible);
• For candidates with engineering degrees attainedoutside the U.S., the candidate must have attained an E.I.T. designation from aU.S. based state licensing board;