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U.S. Customs and Border Protection (
Law Enforcement/Legal/Security
New York
United States
Mission Support Assistant (GS-7) - SkillBridge Internship Opportunity
IMPORTANT: This opportunity is ONLY open to transitioning service-members within TEN months of separating who possess or anticipate a 30% or more Disabled Veteran, VRA, and/or Schedule A hiring authority eligibility along with being qualified for the position per the below qualifications.
LOCATION: U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Mission Support, Ogdensburg, NY
SALARY: DoD SkillBridge interns are paid by DoD while they intern as volunteers with CBP. The salary range below reflects the pay scale if hired at the end of the SkillBridge internship. There is no guarantee of employment, however, if CBP hiring managers are able to hire interns at internship conclusion, the salary range is: $41,966-54,557 (GS-7 Step 1-10).
PUBLIC AFFAIRS. Assist in responding to and interacting with the public to convey standard information on the mission of CBP. Assist in preparing press releases and in planning for public affairs campaigns, e.g., arranges for meeting space and drafts handouts. Coordinate, develop, and disseminate information material to various target audiences using all types of available media including radio, television, workshops, and seminars, using printed material, posters, etc. Draft and develop information material for employees to inform and maintain awareness of agency plans and programs.
FINANCE AND BUDGET. Assist in receiving and apportioning budget allocations for the organization following established criteria. Track budget transactions such as obligations, expenditures, transfers and reimbursements in order to ascertain the status of funds. Coordinate administrative requirements for reprogramming and transferring funds between accounts and offices serviced. Assist in preparing budget requests by compiling data and by preparing justification statements based on information provided by senior Mission Support Specialist. Assure all conditions, e.g., receipt of all items ordered, have been met for paying vouchers and invoices.�?� Prepare a variety of recurring and ad hoc budget and accounting reports based on established practice. Maintain contact with the Office of Finance and other national office elements in order to resolve routine problems and determine their causes.
PROCUREMENT, LOGISTICS AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. Coordinate and monitor the organization's property management and space utilization programs. Lead the annual physical inventory of nonexpendable property and equipment, reconciles discrepancies, and maintains documentation. Assist managers with planning and implementation of physical moves, e.g., develops floor plans and accommodates special equipment requirements. Coordinate telephone service requirements with users, security and the telephone company. Review telephone billings to prevent overcharging and misuse of phone service. Procure routine equipment and services using the bankcard. Assist with routine procurements by preparing purchase orders and supporting documents, as required. Research potential suppliers and works with appropriate staff to procure needed goods. Assist with setting up blanket purchase agreements covering service, repairs, rentals and maintenance.
WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT. Act as a liaison between the organization and the CBP Hiring Center and Processing Center. Aid higher graded Mission Support Specialist with various workforce management procedures. Enter personnel actions in appropriate automated systems, assuring that they are appropriate and complete. Resolve discrepancies with the appropriate party. Assist with monitoring performance management compliance and developing individual training plans as required. Research training opportunities to fit specific needs and assists in arranging in-house training sessions. Maintain the organization's personnel files and records. Compile various recurring and ad hoc reports. Maintain current vacancy and onboard data and table of organization. Advise management of payroll changes and work to resolve payroll problems with the national payroll staff.
MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE. Establish, maintain, and monitor a variety of records and statistical data regarding the administrative services provided.�?� Participate in preparing workload and productivity reports, gather and compile data to be used in evaluating areas for process improvements; enters data into database programs; evaluate data for patterns or trends; and generate various management reports. Draft local procedures for the organization, as requested.
OFFICE AUTOMATION: Assist users in the organization with software, hardware, and automation problems, as requested. Use various software packages, such as word processing, spreadsheets, databases, desktop publishing, etc., to produce, store, and retrieve a variety of information and presentations. Automate administrative reports by considering the information, its uses, and form (e.g., a new format that presents budget obligations, training, travel, and staffing information to assist managers in marking planning and budget decisions.) Provide general clerical support to the organization in all areas of mission support as needed.
HOW TO APPLY: Email�?��?� with SUBJ:-CBP OFO SkillBridge Internship- (Mission Support Assistant - CHICAGO) - (Indicate Which Preference You are Claiming:� 30% or More Disabled Veteran, VRA, and/or Schedule A).
Include the following documentation:
Your resume will enable us to determine the grade level for which you qualify; therefore, align it to the specifics as described in the Duties and Qualifications sections above. Provide details of your education, background, and experience so we can accurately assess your qualifications, and be sure to highlight any superior proficiencies that uniquely qualify you.
Your DD214 (SSN redacted) or Statement of Service with all campaign medals contained therein (SSN redacted), VA Disability Rating Letter and/or Schedule A Letter is also required.
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