Plans & Pricing: Membership Levels and Benefits

  • MilitaryHire is the longest standing independent job board and candidate database online
  • We are deeply connected to the military transition process, receiving new candidates daily  which we will connect to you
  • Since 2001, hundreds of thousands of U.S. Military members and tens of thousands of leading companies have connected on MilitaryHire 
  • Our licenses and plans give you flexible options to find and hire talent.  Choose your plan today, and start hiring!  
Product3 Star Membership4 Star Membership5 StarMembership
Monthly price$219$379$649
DescriptionSingle Limited License Plan – Initial correspondence done via the MilitaryHire platformRecommended for Direct access to CandidatesFor mid to large size talent teams with several jobs to fill
Number of Users1Up to 3Up to 10
Standard Monthly Benefits Include
Job Postings1040100
Resume Views Per Month2501,0002,000
Resume Scouts (automated searches which send matching candidates to your email address)1040100
Access to VeteransCommunicate through websiteContact directly via phone or emailContact directly via phone or email
Veteran communication to youCommunicate through websiteDirect Veterans to an email address, website or ATSDirect Veterans to an email address, website or ATS
Job Posting ViewNot AvailableSee the quantity and identity of persons viewing your job postingsSee the quantity and identity of persons viewing your job postings
Applicants ViewNot AvailableSee the quantity and identity of applicants of your job postingsSee the quantity and identity of applicants of your job postings
Save Resumes For Later ViewNot Available200500
Additional Quarterly Plan Benefits Include
Quarterly BenefitsNot AvailableAll benefits above, plus: Account management support services; Company name and job listing link included in weekly Veteran newsletter (sent to MilitaryHire Veteran subscribers); Company name and job listing link included in 3 Hot Jobs pages on MilitaryHire, including Job Seekers, Military Spouses, and Veterans pagesAll benefits above, plus: Account management support services ; Company name and job listing link included in weekly Veteran newsletter (sent to MilitaryHire Veteran subscribers); Company name and job listing link included in 3 Hot Jobs pages on MilitaryHire, including Job Seekers, Military Spouses, and Veterans pages
Additional Semi-Annual Plan Benefits Include
Semi-Annual BenefitsNot Available All benefits above, plus: One state emailing ($500 value) – includes personalized, branded and highly targeted emails to promote your company to MilitaryHire Veteran members within the state of your choice. Content must be approved by MilitaryHire. Email metrics are provided with this service. Automated xml job feed included only if deemed technically feasible and no additional programming required, otherwise quoted separatelyAll benefits above, plus: Curated list of 5 resume-screened candidates (for job(s) of their choice); One state emailing ($500 value) to all MilitaryHire member Veterans in a state of your choice, Message to be approved by MilitaryHire; Newsletter sponsorship (1 per 6 months); Automated xml job feed included only if deemed technically feasible and no additional programming required, otherwise quoted separately
Additional Annual Plan Benefits Include
Annual BenefitsNot AvailableAnnual Plan Membership Additional Benefits: All benefits above, plus: One sponsorship of one weekly issue of MilitaryHire’s Veteran Hot Jobs email newsletter, sent to all subscribers of this newsletter. Annual Plan Membership Additional Benefits: All benefits above, plus: One additional state emailing (2 total); Quarterly social media post to 500k members/followers
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 *All memberships are subscriptions and you can cancel at any time in your account settings.  There are no additional fees if you hire someone through MilitaryHire’s subscription plans.  All Sales Are Final. Payment due prior to system access.  All proposals follow our Terms & Conditions.  Bulk job import and job scraping services are possible in most cases. MilitaryHire has a standard process that works in most all cases. MilitaryHire will send job feed specifications to eligible customers who desire a feed. The customer is will build the feed using XML format and share a link or document to that feed. MilitaryHire will attempt to implement the feed and will notify the customer of its status. In some cases, the customer can provide their own job import feed which can typically be implemented by MilitaryHire. If it is determined that a custom programming initiative is required, it will be quoted as a separate cost which will include an estimated timeline to completion. Depending on the needs of each customer, services and payment can initiate before or after the job feed is implemented so long as it is agreed upon by both parties.